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Onam Festival


Today we had a special meal at Priya's grandmother's house for a festival called Onam. The festival started off as a Hindu celebration but now basically everyone in Kerala does it. The food was served on banana leaves and eaten with our hands.

India, Kerala, Onam Festival

The festival usually takes place outside sitting on the ground, with big flower displays. Because of all the rain that couldn't happen, but there was still a little display!

After eating we toured the property and saw some interesting plants, including pepper, bananas, and rubber trees. Some of us went for a little swim in the channel on the property.

Afterwards, we went to visit some elephants. This one's name translates to Handsome, and he posed for us! We watched him eating and it was pretty cool the way he used his trunk.

We then went back to the house we're staying at. We'll have dinner soon, and then We'll be heading to bed. The wedding is tomorrow!


About Me

My name is Julie, and I love getting to explore new places. I live in Ottawa, Canada, but I was very lucky to grow up in Germany and travel around Europe as a kid. As we travelled, my family often camped out instead of staying in hotels. We once camped beside Loch Ness (no monster sightings, sadly)!


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As well as writing this blog, I write fiction novels! Check out my website for more information!


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