I'm getting my post done a little early today. We spent the day in Switzerland (this is the first time we've slept in the same place two nights in a row since London). However, we didn't stay in Lauterbrunnen all day. Instead, we took a train up the Jungfrau Mountain - the highest point in Europe! The views were spectacular. Going out on the balcony was chilly, but felt like winter in Canada so we all survived. We also got to walk through some glacial tunnels (including one really tiny one) and see some ice sculptures. I spent a lot of money on souvenirs (but hey, I needed to use those francs!). They also have a mailbox at the top, the highest in Europe of course! So we sent some postcards home. Oh, I also took some nice panoramic pictures on my phone, but I can't put those up. So here are some pictures from my camera!

Edited and pictures added in June 2019