So today we went on a field trip to the nearby city of Tarquinia, which used to be an Etruscan city. On the way there, we quickly stopped off at Pyrgi, which was an Etruscan port and castle.
We then went to a necropolis nearby (Necropoli del Calvario) to see the tombs, most of which still had some wall painting still left mostly intact. They were very cool but it was a really long morning. I bought a miniature pot there with a painting of the chimera (a monster that looks like a lion with a snake for a tail and an extra goat head).

Then we went to the city and had lunch. A group of us found a really nice little restaurant that almost looked like an old cobbled street that had been walled off. I tried to take a picture but the lights ruined it. I'll put it up anyway.
We went to the National Museum of Tarquinia to see a bunch of Etruscan pottery, sarcophagi, and a famous statue of two winged horses (Cavalli Alati di Tarquinia) that used to decorate a nearby temple. Unfortunately we couldn't take pictures in the museum.
That was it for the day!

(Edited and extra photos added May 2019)