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Field Trip - Ostia


The field trip today was great! We went to Ostia, which was the port city of Rome. It was cool because it's pretty much an entire city which was abandoned, so it's still fairly intact. Here are some pictures!

Italy, Ostia, mosaic, italian mosaic, roman mosaic, ship mosaic
This mosaic floor was in front of a shop and would show what the shop sold or what business it was part of. In this case, something to do with shipping.

We left Ostia a little after lunch and went to a museum in Rome, where I didn't take any tablet pictures. But there were many amazing statues, including some original Greek ones (these are rare because Greek statues were often made of bronze and therefore later melted down for the metal, usually all we have of these is Roman copies in marble). Then we came back home and are currently eating dinner. We might watch a movie or something tonight.



(Edited and extra photos added May 2019)


About Me

My name is Julie, and I love getting to explore new places. I live in Ottawa, Canada, but I was very lucky to grow up in Germany and travel around Europe as a kid. As we travelled, my family often camped out instead of staying in hotels. We once camped beside Loch Ness (no monster sightings, sadly)!


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As well as writing this blog, I write fiction novels! Check out my website for more information!


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