May 20 - Day Six - Sweeping
Sweeping dirt off of more dirt is kind of difficult, but that's what I did for most of today! We finished the layer we were working on and then swept it to make it clean and pretty for pictures. Didn't find anything too interesting in my section, but other people did. We also had to fill out some form about our layer, which were a little confusing. Anyway, that was about it for the day!
May 21 - Day Seven - Shivering
So it was really cold today! It rained on and off this morning, but not enough to stop us from digging. It got warmer during the afternoon. Didn't personally find anything exciting today, but good stuff was found in other parts of the trench. In other news, people are starting to get sick and hopefully I won't too. That's it for now!

May 22 - Day Eight - Sitting
Well, I sat down today a lot on a very rocky surface. Not very comfortable. But the most exiting thing that happened today was that at dinner we made up this story about a nearby table of Italians who all drove in in smartcars. They all had tattoos so we decided they were a "biker" gang with smartcars. And there was another group of younger guys nearby who we decided were trying to join the gang but needed to go through the initiation ritual of pushing over a smartcar (we saw them trying). It was pretty hilarious.

May 24 - Day Nine - Sleeping
It rained today so my whole house slept all morning, then we went grocery shopping and hung out at home. We had a short lecture right before lunch were we talked about stratigraphy (layers and how they're labelled). We got to look at big diagrams of our site, which were pretty cool. It was also nice to finally have a day of rest for the first time in two weeks! Hopefully the sick people will have healed a bit.
We realized that within our house, half of the people are sick. So the healthy of us have banded together to hopefully stay healthy.
May 25 - Day Ten - Gusting
It was soooooo windy today! Nice and sunny, but windy. I swallowed a lot of dirt. Even cried dirt at one point, I think. Its especially bad when you need to sweep up loose dirt, and it blows up into the air and gets everywhere!
My group didn't find anything interesting today, so I'll take this opportunity to tell you about our lunch. In a nutshell, terrible. The sandwiches we get are always the same and really boring. It's especially worse if you're a vegetarian because we get tomato and cheese sandwiches every day. Which sucks for those who don't like tomatoes. They're so boring, many people have given up on them and go buy more food. But we've already paid for this food so I feel like I have to eat it. On the other hand, dinner is always delicious.
That's all I have to say for the day. Tomorrow our field trip is to Ostia (Rome's port city), so I'll try to get some tablet pictures for you. The next day Megan and I are going to Tivoli with some of the other people in our house. It'll be a good weekend! Hopefully I won't get a horrible blister like last weekend.
(Edited and extra photos added May 2019)