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Caere Dig Week Four


June 3 - Day Sixteen - Waiting

We accidentally found a layer today and then had to wait pretty much all day while our supervisors tried to figure out what was going on. At the end of the day, we finally got to dig something and found a hole! It might just be a looter hole, but either way, it was cool!

So short entry for the day, but that was about it. Bye!

June 4 - Day Seventeen - Labelling

Maybe a lion's paw?

Today I worked with the labellers, at least in the morning since it rained in the afternoon. Basically, we sort out washed pottery and the pottery expert on site tells us which pieces he wants to keep (we have many pieces of the same things so they don't bother keeping them all, unless they have painting or something). We then label the pieces using a special sequence of numbers, for example C13.133.142 . That means Caera 2013 (the dig), SU 133

(the layer) and piece 142. It was a little

hard sometimes because we used fountain pens, and if the piece is porous the ink can bleed and look ugly. We also have the put the label in a nice place where it is easy to see, but not ruining any of the important parts of the piece (like paint or something).

Some of the pieces we cleaned

Then it rained. Since we work outside we had to stop. We helped the people washing pottery for a bit but the rain got harder and there was thunder in the distance so we all ended up leaving the site early for the day. On the bright side, it gave us a chance to catch up on our notes!

So I learned a little, but not as much as if I had a full day of labelling.

June 5 - Day Eighteen - Swimming

(Edit May 2019 - No original post was written, but I found a peace of pottery with a beautiful wave design, and we went to the beach before dinner.)

June 6 - Day Nineteen - Viewing

(Edit May 2019 - No original post was written. Worked on washing pottery, there was also a viewing of some of the cooler finds from the season.)

June 7 - Day Twenty - Tarping

Hey, sorry for the lack of posts, I promise I'm still alive. We just had a couple busy days where we couldn't get the internet. On wednesday we went swimming so we didn't have our computers with us, and then yesterday we had a late, fancy dinner with all the people from the dig. Today we put tarps over our entire trench so that it can be filled in tomorrow until next year. So sad!

Anyway, sorry for the rushed post but I've got to go. I'll be home in two days! Good night!


(Edited and extra photos added May 2019)


About Me

My name is Julie, and I love getting to explore new places. I live in Ottawa, Canada, but I was very lucky to grow up in Germany and travel around Europe as a kid. As we travelled, my family often camped out instead of staying in hotels. We once camped beside Loch Ness (no monster sightings, sadly)!


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As well as writing this blog, I write fiction novels! Check out my website for more information!


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